Want to make sure your next hire is RIGHT so you can avoid wasting your time, money and energy on a bad hire?
To be able to CHOOSE someone great 👉🏽 you need to know how to EXECUTE a great interview.
To be able to INTERVIEW WELL 👉🏽 you need to get really clear WHO you are actually looking for.
It's time to learn these 2 critical elements to interviewing & hiring great people.
This Masterclass is going to teach you exactly that.
Introducing...the Kick Ass Interviewing Masterclass.
A 65 min on-demand Masterclass that teaches you how to ONLY hire rockstars.
The truth is...
Interviewing is 'different' in small business.
It's not easy to master and it doesn't come naturally to most people.
Most business owners need to learn this important skill to avoid the $$'s and headaches of bad hiring decisions.
The reality of is...
If you are planning to grow your business, you are planning to hire.
Hiring RIGHT from the get go will make a huge difference to how fast (& profitably) you grow.
The good news is...
You can learn how to do this well.
Once you master hiring & interviewing as a skill, you'll always know how to spot the duds and choose rockstars with confidence, next time and every time.

You'll learn:
1️⃣ How to get Crystal Clear on WHO your ideal new team member is so you can create your Hiring Criteria like a pro
2️⃣ Exactly how to choose the right questions so you can easily see the best match for you
3️⃣ The 3 Mistakes You Need To Avoid (that you've definitely been doing)
4️⃣ A Strategic Interview Structure that creates a flowing friendly interview, so you look like a pro and gives you the info you need to avoid hiring a dud all while making the person want the job!
5️⃣ The 5 Rules for Kick Ass Interviews
✨ Plus a whole lot more including templates, examples and everything you need to make executing on your own easy-peasy.
This Masterclass teaches you a complete interviewing roadmap...
You'll get the knowledge, templates and tools to interview like a pro so you can make confident hiring decisions and profitably scale your business.
Say goodbye to crossing your fingers, accepting poor performance or feeling stuck!

"I signed up for Paula's Interview Masterclass feeling really unsure of myself when it comes to hiring. I was amazed at how simple Paula made it all feel and the templates she provided were absolutely perfect. I've now got a clear system to use to tackle the next hire in my business, and I feel so much more confident in my chances of finding my perfect match"
Sophia Pallas, Copywriter

Hi, 👋 I’m Paula Maidens – serial entrepreneur, business adviser and hiring coach.
I was a Corporate Recruiter then started my own HR Consulting biz in 2010, started two more and sold one in 2020 with a full team in place!
I've been in the HR & Recruitment industry for 17+ years and I've specialised in small business since 2015. This means I've literally interviewed 1000's of people (both for other people and for my own teams) and I've packed all of that knowledge and experience into this easy to follow system.
It’s my mission to empower entrepreneurs like you to step into your leadership potential in a way that feels authentic and effective, so that you can achieve your business goals without burning out or giving up your life.
If you've got big dreams then you already know you can't do it all alone... and learning to hire right is a critical part of your journey to success.
I'm here to teach you how. Let's go! 🚀
Kick Ass Interviewing Masterclass
Limited Time Offer
- Ready to watch 65 min training video
- Hiring Templates & Examples
- Lifetime access
*price includes GST if you are an Australian business